Questions: Does this store manage by the same organization in Grand Blanc and East Lansing?
Answer: Yes
Questions: Can I register on this site?
Answers: No. You can only register on our main site www.soccerkickers.com this site is our store site.
Questions: Can I place an order for my child, and when should I expect it?
Answers: Yes. There a few ways to get your order. You can either pick it up at practice or have it ship to your house. You will have these options at check out.
Questions: How long does the shipping take?
Answer: All order will ship within 48 hours. After we ship the order, we cannot control the arrival time, however USPS usually delivers our order within 3-5 business days, sometime a bit longer due to COVID-19.
Questions: Can I contact someone before I make a purchase?
Answers: Absolutely, you can use the same number and email on our main site to get in touch with us. info@soccerkickers.com , Phone: 619 502 0147